Why Is My New Trampoline Not Bouncy?

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You just bought a new trampoline, and you can’t wait to try it out. But when you finally jump on, you realize that it’s not as bouncy as you thought it would be. Why is this?

There are a few reasons why your new trampoline might not be as bouncy as you expected. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most common reasons why a trampoline might not be bouncy and what you can do to fix it. Keep reading to learn more!

Are new trampolines less bouncy?

Yes, sometimes, when you purchase a brand-new trampoline, it is less bouncy. It’s completely normal when it is less bouncy.

You will notice an increase in bounce as the trampoline is used more frequently over time. This is due to the fact that new springs typically require a certain amount of wear and tear before they begin to exhibit significant stretch. This also means that your springs may need to be replaced at some point in the future as they lose their elasticity. So, you must have some extra springs.

Reasons New Trampoline Not Bouncy

The Trampoline Is Too Big

One of the most common reasons a new trampoline might not be as bouncy as expected is because it is too big. When a trampoline is too big, the weight of the user cannot put well pressure, which reduces its ability to bounce.

How do you know if the trampoline is only for people with higher weights? In this case, Get someone who is significantly heavier to jump on the trampoline. If they are able to get a good bounce going but the children are unable to, then the trampoline is simply too large for someone with little weight.

So, If your new trampoline is not as bouncy as you would like, check to see if it is the right size for you. If it is too big, try exchanging it for a smaller trampoline. Either way, you will be sure to get more use out of a trampoline that is the right size for you, and you will never feel lose bounce on your trampoline.

Trampoline was not assembled properly and the frame is bent

If your new trampoline isn’t bouncing as high as you’d like, the first thing you should check is to make sure that it was assembled properly. If the trampoline frame is bent in any way, that could be the reason why it isn’t performing as well as you’d hoped.

Try tightening all of the bolts and see if that makes a difference. If the problem was occurring because of frame damage, you would be most likely to jump higher after fixing it.

The Springs Are Faulty

One of the most common reasons why a new trampoline might not be bouncy is because the springs are faulty. If the springs are not able to stretch and contract properly, then the trampoline will not be able to generate the necessary bounce.

Springs may become damaged as a result of repeated jumping or falling from a heavy object. It should be heavy duty springs. The bouncing power will be significantly reduced if it’s a broken spring.

Springs can become useless in a lot of ways. For example, if we leave the springs exposed for an extended period of time, rust may form on them as a result of a lack of maintenance. Rusty springs have a short lifespan and it reduces bouncing power of a trampoline. It has the potential to bind the springs together, preventing you from getting the desired bounce.

To fix those problems, you might have to replace the springs. You can purchase new springs from the trampoline manufacturer or a local hardware store. Once you have the new springs, simply follow the instructions in the trampoline’s user manual to replace the old springs with the new ones. Doing so should restore the bounciness of your trampoline.

Springs are Missing

You can jump on a trampoline that has some missing spring, but you really shouldn’t, and certainly not for several weeks or months after the break. When the mat is not being pulled evenly by the springs, it causes damage to the surface.

As the number of springs missing increases, the number of good bounces decreases, and you will not be able to bounce higher.

The trampoline was placed on an uneven surface, which caused it to tilt

If your new trampoline is not bouncy, it could be because it’s placed on an uneven surface. Check to see if the ground is level before setting up your trampoline. If it’s not, the trampoline will tilt and won’t be as bouncy.

The safety netting was installed incorrectly

Another possible reason for the less bouncy trampoline is that the safety netting was installed incorrectly and is preventing bounces from occurring correctly.

Reasons Old Trampoline Not Bouncy

As new trampolines, old trampolines can also have the problem of not being bouncy. Below are some common reasons why old trampolines are not bouncy:

The springs have lost their bounce

If your trampoline is more than a few years old, it’s likely that the springs have lost some of their bounciness. This is perfectly normal, and it doesn’t mean that your trampoline is ready for the scrap heap just yet. However, it does mean that you’ll need to put in a bit of effort to get it bouncing like new again.

Lost elasticity

As your trampoline mat ages, it will slowly lose its elasticity. This happens because the fabric fibers start to break down and the stitching becomes loose. It can also happen on a new trampoline.

The mat will still be safe to use, but it won’t have that same springy feel. You can test the elasticity of your trampoline mat by pressing down on it. If it doesn’t spring back up, then it’s time for a new one.

Springs are Stretched

Spring elasticity diminishes with time, and they are no longer as effective at snapping back into their original position as when they were first installed.

Over time, you can see that there is a small gap between the coils, indicating that they are no longer tightly compressed against one another.

This means that there isn’t nearly as much stretch and recoil as it used to be.

The trampoline has been damaged by weather or pests

If your new trampoline hasn’t been used for a while, it’s likely that the mat has become weather-worn or pests have gotten to it. Check for any holes, rips, or tears in the mat and replace them if necessary. If the frame is damaged, you may need to replace the entire trampoline.

Also, trampolines can lose its bounciness because of bad weather. Bad weather can make trampoline screwed up which makes it difficult for the trampoline to bounce. If you live in an area with bad weather, it’s important to take measures to protect your trampoline. You can buy a cover for the trampoline or store it in a garage when not in use.

There can be other reasons for a less bouncier trampoline. When you will buy a trampoline you should closely examine the trampoline and if you find anything faulty you should call the manufacturer’s immediately.

How to make Trampoline Bouncier

You can make trampoline bouncier by tweaking few different things. The following tips are very helpful for jumping higher on a trampoline. But before doing that, you should be careful about your safety. So, before attaching the rest of the things, you should add a safety net. Let’s take a look at how you can do this:

Adding a safety net before making trampoline bouncier

Most of the backyard trampolines will come with a safety net, when you purchase a new one. If your trampoline did not come with a safety net, you should opt for buying a safety net.

Why? Because a safety net is a must for any trampoline, especially if you’re planning on making it bouncier. Not only will it help keep everyone safe, but it will also help extend the life of your trampoline.

Add more springs to it: You can simply add more springs to your trampoline if it isn’t bouncy enough. This will help increase the tension on the fabric and make it easier for the trampoline to spring back up when you jump on it. You will be launched into the air by the springs, which will stretch out and store your kinetic energy before re-launching you with this stored kinetic energy.

Attach Stronger Springs

Most of the time, the problem is with the springs. If your new trampoline doesn’t have strong springs, it won’t be bouncy. So, to make the trampoline bouncy enough, you should attach stronger springs.

The stronger the springs are built, the more energy they will be able to store and exert. As a result, you will see a more significant bounce in the final result.

Strong springs are more expensive than standard springs, but in the long run, you will reap the benefits of using stronger springs. If you’ve been wondering how to make your trampoline bouncier without having to cross the springs, this is a great method that you can use without hesitation.

Trampoline Springs

  • Set includes five 7-inch springs
  • Constructed with high-quality galvanized steel

Heavy-Duty Premium Trampoline Springs

  • Safe Jumping Experience
  • Stainless Steel Springs
  • Durable Quality

Rearranging The Springs to Make trampoline bouncier

To make your trampoline bouncier, you can rearrange the springs in your trampoline. You can do this in various ways or methods. Below are some methods you can apply:

Make the Springs Diagonal – V Shape

You can do this by firstly locating the springs at the center of the trampoline mat. After that, you need to take two springs and put them on opposite sides of the mat. Make sure that these two springs are placed diagonally and form a V-shape. The next step is to stretch out the other springs until they are also in a diagonal position and form a V-shape on the other side of the mat. Once all the springs are diagonally placed, your trampoline will be bouncier.

Cross The Springs – X Shape

This method is sometimes known as the criss cross pattern. It is effective in making your trampoline bouncier. The first step is the same, which is locating the springs at the center of the trampoline mat.

The next step is to take two springs and put them on opposite sides of the mat. These two springs need to be placed in a way that they form an X on the mat. The next step is to stretch out the other springs until they are also forming an X on the other side of the mat.


This is an upgraded version of the V pattern. In order to complete the W-pattern, you will need to purchase some additional springs. As it turns out, it’s a fusion of both the straight pattern and the V-pattern. Use a V-pattern in conjunction with the straight pattern. Every third rung will have three springs as a result.

The W-pattern is a complicated design, but it is one of the most effective ways to make a trampoline bouncer. If you are successful in doing so, an additional spring will be added to the crest of W.

These three patterns are the most commonly used methods to make a trampoline bouncier. If you apply any of these methods, your trampoline will definitely become bouncier. However, if you want to achieve the best results, we recommend that you use the W-pattern method. This is because it is the most effective method, and it will also make your trampoline last longer.

When you are done, test out your new bouncy trampoline by jumping on it!


When it comes to a new trampoline, we need to consider how bouncy it will be. Why? Bounciness is one of the most important characteristics when looking at a trampoline for safety and usability. Trampolines are meant for bouncing, and without proper bounce, you might as well not have one!

As discussed, There are many factors that affect the bounciness of a trampoline.

Hopefully, we’ve gone over some of the most common reasons why a trampoline can lose its bounce. I hope the tips above will help you to take the necessary steps when your trampoline is less bouncy!


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